Personalised support made available for local businesses


Folkestone & Hythe District Council has funded a tailor-made business support programme for local, independent retail and hospitality businesses which are facing difficulties during the coronavirus crisis.

Individual support will be offered for six to eight weeks and will include a personalised support programme with an expert who can offer advice, such as how to trade successfully through social media channels, as well as a business skills needs assessment and a business plan review to help businesses plan for the next six to 12 months.

Cllr David Wimble, Cabinet Member for the District Economy, said “Businesses everywhere are facing tough times in these unprecedented circumstances.

“I am very pleased that we have managed to fund this scheme which will provide consultancy support to businesses around a host of things including adapting to the changed market.

“I’d urge businesses owners to take up this offer of free advice tailored to their enterprise. We’re determined to support our local businesses as much as we can to survive in these unfamiliar circumstances.”

The council has also part-funded a dedicated business support telephone helpline which will be run through Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. Any businesses requiring help and guidance in these difficult times can contact an adviser who will be at the end of the phone to help.

The helpline is 0333 3602300 and will be open 8:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

Business owners interested in taking part in the programme should email

Visit for more information on government support available for businesses.